Professional Head Shots
Business professionals, what do you need? Okay, other than a paid vacation. Business portraits that create authentic connections between you and your potential clients.
We both know it's true - when someone comes to your website that person is going to look for a photograph of you and your staff. And that person is going to make a judgment about you based on that photograph – or lack of a photograph.
You don't have to like this, but you have to know it's true.
The next question is “what are you gonna do about it?”
You need a business portrait which:
Creates an instant visual connection.
Builds a sense of trust and comfort.
Conveys a powerful image of who you are and what your gift to your client is.
Presents your best self without being false.
Captures your unique style.
Reflects where you are now in your professional voyage.
Compels people to take the next step toward choosing to work with you.
On The Fly Photography does not have that hideous blue background you stood in front of when you were in 3rd Grade. You'll need to go elsewhere to find that.
I find out what you want to say with your portrait and craft an image that tells that story in a unique way that makes your portrait stand out.
Prices start at $150 if you come to me, $200 if I come to you.
Contact On The Fly Photography to start the process in motion.