Are you a photographer? You can say “yes.”

Are you in the Rapid City / Black Hills, South Dakota area? If you are… then say “yes.”

Would you like to join other photographers for the purpose of evaluating each other’s photography, exchanging (stealing) ideas, learning from and teaching each other, ripping on other photographers for using different camera gear than you use, and doing something fun and different? You can say “yes” again.

East some yummy food. Maybe even drink a beer while you’re doing it? You know the answer to this is “yes.”

Then I’ve got just the thing for you.

Join me and a bunch of other photographers who are always on their best behaviour for the Rapid City Photography Critique and Tall Tale Telling Monthly Meetup. We’ll call that the RCPCaTTTMM for short.

This event is held under the umbrella of the Black Hills Photography Club (BHPC). However you do not have to be a member of BHPC to attend the critique.

Here’s the details:

Purpose: Get evaluations of your photographs from other photographers, show off, steal ideas, learn new things, be inspired, be inspiring, tell tall tales, and have fun.

When: Every third Wednesday of the month. Starting at 6:30pm, arrive as early as 6:00pm. Official ending at 9:00 because that’s when Minerva’s closes.

Location: Minervas Restaurant & Bar at 2111 N Lacrosse St, Rapid City, SD 57701

Where: There is an open (as in no door) meeting room by the bar. That’s where you’ll find us. If you come in the front door the host station is in front of your, restaurant to your right, bar to your left. Go left.

RSVP: If you can RSVP please do so.

If you are a member of BHPC and use the Facebook group you can RSVP there via the ‘Events” tab.

Otherwise you can send me an email and let me know you’re going to attend. Do so via the contact page.


1. You can eat and drink during the event. That’s the point of doing this at a location that has food and beverage.

2. Bring up to 6 photographs. Export as JPG, full size resolution. Be sure to export all your meta data because someone is going to what to know your f/stop or shutter speed or ISO. And people will want to zoom in to spot check your sharpness.

3. Bring the original image before any edits if you like. Don’t bring RAW files if you can avoid it. Export as JPGs, full size. Name the files with the same filename as the edited version then add “original” to the file name.

4. We will have a 25 minute time limit for each photographer’s critique. After the first 3 or 4 critiques – depending on how fast they go – we will take a 10 minute break then jump back into it.

5. If it’s your first time attending you don’t have to bring photos to show. After that you have no excuse.

6. You can bring prints instead of or in addition to digital files.

7. Bring you images on a USBstick or SD card. I will copy them to my hard drive. I have a PC. Use a filesystem Windows can recognize.

8. If you want your photos shown in a specific order name them so they will sort in that order when sorted by name.

9. Once your photos have been critiqued we will vote on which was your best and those photos will be submitted to the newsletter for publication. You can opt out of this.

Have questions? Contact me and ask. Look forward to seeing you there.