Once again On The Fly Photography was on site when a zombie outbreak occurred. It was the
2011 Fort Collins Zombie Crawl
and I was there for Turning Point to catch the action.
Ok, honest truth I was there because girls dressed up as zombies and monsters turn me on. That’s what really did it.
The video is coming soon but until then here are some photo highlights.

The undead began to gather early in the day attracted to the fresh meat.

Zombie eat more than brains.

And photographers need fuel as well.

Did I mention photographer fuel?

Birthday Zombie, hence the party hat. It really was her birthday.


College zombies have enough brains for two.

So do I brother, so do I.

Speaking of necrophilia, it’s moments like this that make life worth living.

This moment made life pretty good as well.

Nerd Zombies. Hell yes.

I hate clowns.

A whole pack of zombies descends on Nordy’s BBQ.

Have I mentioned Hot Zombie Chycks?

Zombie on wheels. Downhill he’s faster than you.

Zombie Brides . . . or . . . Brides of Zombies?

P.J. Zombies. Must be a slumber party.

And dark and the light of zombies. And did I mention Hot Zombie Chycks?


No. Really. Did I mention Hot Zombie Chycks?

Looks like zombies need photographer fuel as well.

Elvis has not left the building.

Yup. You figure it out.

The Dancing Queen?

If you are a horror movie/game fan you’ll know these ladies.

Red Shirts always get killed.

One last time. Hot. Zombie. Chycks.
Haha, great photos. Great event. Already looking forward to next year!
Indeed it was a blast. I’m thinking it’s only going to get better. Glad you enjoyed the photos.