My Beloved: Sneak Peek
Notes: These are sneak peek photos. The final series will look much like this. I started looking at the photos late last night and got so excited that I had to play with them. I have 2432 images total from the shoot. Don’t expect the finished product to happen too soon.
Clicking on a thumbnail will open the full size image in a new window.
Massive thanks and gratitude to the cast & crew. This was the best group of people I’ve ever done a shoot with to date. Also, I am planning the sequel to My Beloved and Zombie Apocalypse II. Just saying. If you wanna be in one of them, hit me up.
My Beloved
Love saturates our lives. Love colours our world. Those rose tinted glasses of yours? They render the glamour sharp details of the people you love. From love arises trust. From trust arises vulnerability. In vulnerability one finds weakness. To be vulnerable is to cry, to be harmed, to be hurt, to be shattered.
Life is fragile. It takes so little to shatter the shell and spill the ghost. The body bleeds and the ghost is lost. The body of your love – once held so warm and so close – becomes a pile of room temperature stench.
Love will be the death of you. And it’s colour is blood red.
Anyone can die. Can you die by the hand of the one you love? When your beloved slits your throat will you kiss her before you sleep?
I Just Wanted To Make You Smile
When the Angel of Death touches you even the one you love most is not safe. Even death can not stop the cycle of blood. Smiling is contagious.
The Players
Barry Rupisan as The Knife
Cassidy Hara as She Who Smiles
Backward Way Shay as The Angel of Death
The Young Lovers
Young love is beautiful and innocent. As time goes by beauty fades and innocence is corrupted. How can you save the one you love from the ravages of time? Death of course, for death is the eternal extinction of change.
The Players
Devon Fulford as the Girl
Chris Schardt as the Boy
Backward Way Shay as The Angel of Death
The Technicians
Special Effects Make-up Crew
Steve Campbell
lead sfx make-up artist
Sarah Clark
sfx make-up artist
Dave Moon
sfx make-up artist
Suzann Ridolfi-Buie
sfx make-up artist
Samantha Carolyn Smith
sfx make-up artist
Photographer Assistants
Kevin Buecher
Bethany Turon
Second Shooters
Scott Conner
Jeremy Hochhalter
Creative Director
Julie Gallahue
Photography and Original Concept
Skippy – On The Fly Photography
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